Representative of LHU Management Board Lam Thanh Hien on February 26 had a welcome and working session with the EMVITET Project Management Board led by Dr. Irma Kunnari - Director and Dr. Katja Maetoloa - Coordinator, Häme University of Applied Sciences (Finland). Leaders of Faculty of Mechatronics - Electronics, Faculty of Information Technology and relevant Departments also attended the working session.
EMVITET (Empowering Vietnamese VET Teachers for Transformation towards Education 4.0) is a project of the Erasmus+ Programme funded by the European Union.
The working session with the EMVITET Project Management Board aims to build educational ecosystems and strengthen LHU technical lecturers’ qualification
The working session focused on the content that LHU will become a member of the Project, promoting the development of teaching staff serving 4.0 education, implementing innovation in training, meeting human resources for the new industry step by step.
LHU Representative introduced advantages when joining in EMVITET Project
Besides Lac Hong University, this Project consists of other members like Hameen Ammaaikorkeakoulu Oy (Finland, Project Leader), Dublin City University (Ireland), Katholieke University Leuven (Belgium), Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education, Ho Chi Minh City Industry and Trade College, Hue Industrial College and Da Nang University of Technology and Education.

The EMVITET Project aims to Create a new learning ecosystem for Education 4.0 in Vietnam, based on student-centered learning, competence-based education, collaboration and networking in digital environments as well as sharing knowledge through communities of practice; Change thinking and forming a network model connecting Vietnamese universities to meet 4.0 Education needs; Change the thinking of teachers and learners and stakeholders to create a new operation way based on the extensive and close collaboration of the educational ecosystem; and Change education structures (curriculum, processes, management) to increase the necessary support to overcome challenges.
According to Dr. Irma Kunnari - Director of EMVITET, the Project will train about 50 staff / lecturers for each university in Vietnam on innovating teaching methods and building educational ecosystems. In particular, LHU will send 10 lecturers to attend the 3-week training course in Finland and Belgium. The training program is divided into 2 phases, 5 lecturers each. Lecturers who participate in the training course are responsible for organizing training sessions for other ones. In addition, the Government of Finland will sponsor equipment for the University during the project implementation.
At the working session, the Project Management Board introduced information and plans implemented in the next 3 years (2019 - 2020). Participants also discussed the project-related contents and solutions for the best effective project.
According to educational experts, during 4.0 Industrial Revolution, the opportunity for everyone is the same. Anyone who owns good qualification, skills and can create many values for society will succeed.
IT lecturers turn commercial projects into practical lectures
Therefore, for universities, 4.0 Industrial Revolution requires human resources with new skills and higher education level since the labor market requires higher trained and educated workforce. LHU will take every effort to meet human resources according to social needs and especially create an ideal education ecosystem for future learners.